Most people can easily get confused about what constitutes good nutrition and what is really “bad.” Not only are they overwhelmed and frustrated with all the conflicting nutrition information on the market today.
Importance of exercise and eating healthy
In this video, I talk with Posh D about the importance of exercise and eating healthy.
The 6 essential foundational principles for good health
A look at 6 essential foundational principles for good health and strategies to maintain in both the gym and home.
Best exercises to improve your posture
If you want to greatly increase the condition of your spine, posture, and tone up those stubborn spots, it is important to do a range of exercises.
Top 10 Resistance Machine exercises for a toned look
A look at 10 resistance machine exercises that you can do in 6 weeks to transform those sagging triceps and glutes into muscles that you will be proud of.
It’s time Detox again?
A look at detoxing after Christmas and the techniques to get fit in the New Year.