If you want to greatly increase the condition of your spine, posture, and tone up those stubborn spots, it is important to do a range of exercises.
These exercises will surely help you along the way, and reduce aches and pains, plus trips to a Chiropractor to have your back or hip put back into place:
Pelvic Hip Raise
Targets: glutes, lower back, core, hamstring
- Assume a neutral supine (lay on your back) position and bend your knee to 90 feet on the floor.
- Keeping head and shoulders on the matt forward tilt your pelvic and gently squeeze the gluteus (buttocks) and lift the hip until they form a straight line from the hip to the knees.
- Pause on top and then slowly lower until your gluteus is touching the floor.
- Repeat movement for required repetition 2-3 x 15 reps.
¾ Press-Up
Targets: Shoulders, chest, triceps, core
- Assume a boxing position with hands shoulder-width apart. Move your knees behind your hip to a comfortable position.
- Keeping a neutral spine bend elbow and lower head and shoulder and body towards the floor.
- Bend your elbow at 90 degrees, then pause and slowly raise your body upwards until your arms are straight again (do not lock your elbow).
- Repeat movement for required repetition 2-3 x 15 reps.
Targets: thighs, hamstring, core, gluteus
- Form a standing position head facing forward, hands across chest, knees soft, legs hip-width apart.
- Make sure on the way down your knees do not extend beyond your toes. This may cause discomfort or even pain.
- Keep looking ahead (or slightly ahead) when performing the exercise with a straight and neutral back, keeping your heels sealed to the ground whilst not rounding your back.
- Lower body until thighs are parallel to the ground, then pause and return back up slowly.
- Repeat movement for the required repetition 2-3 x 25 reps.
Before you attempt these exercises above, you must do a warm-up for 10-20mins; plus the sets and reps above should be repeated 2-3 times weekly over a 4-week period.