Top 10 Resistance Machine exercises for a toned look

Let’s be honest – most of us have been shown or been given an induction programme with someone explaining how to use the resistance machines and how many reps and sets we need to perform when we first join the gym. Yes?

Resistance Machine

How many of us then simply join a group class, and or cardio the night away on a jogging machine or something similar?

First make sure you have warmed up (10mins), stretch, and fully know how to adjust and execute each machine. Make sure to ask a trained instructor if unsure. Do try to follow this programme in this order but skip to the next if it’s not available or being used. Don’t hang about we’ve got work to do.

Chin Up Machine ~ back, biceps, and core. NB: Make sure that you keep the torso and hips straight and still during execution.

  • Adjust weight.
  • Add the knee pad support (if needed).
  • Step on and hold on to the handles above with an under or overhand grip.
  • Control your body upwards until elbows are at least level with shoulders, pause… and lower your body till your arms are fully extended.
  • Repeat until you complete the required reps.

Dip machine ~ triceps, chest, and core. NB. Make sure that you keep the torso and hips straight and still during execution:

  • Adjust weight.
  • Add the knee pad support (if needed).
  • Step on and hold on to the handles above with an under or overhand grip.
  • Control your body downwards until elbows are 90 degrees, pause, and then extend your body, till arms until they are straight again (but not locked).
  • Repeat until you complete the required reps.

Hack Squat machine ~ thighs, glutes, and torso:

  • Adjust weight, and pad height
  • Shoulders secured under pad, legs at 90 – brace your abs and push off from the heels.
  • From an upright position (knees bent) slowly control the weight downwards to the start position.
  • Repeat to the desired reps.

Seated Row machine ~ biceps and back:

  • Adjust weight, and leg pad support.
  • Arms fully extended grab handles – brace your abs and pull handles towards your torso, pause..
  • Slowly control the weight back to the start position.
  • Repeat to the desired reps.

Chest press machine ~ triceps and chest:

  • Adjust weight and seat height.
  • Brace abs and extend arms forward.
  • Pause and control it back to the start position.
  • Repeat to the desired reps.

Leg curl ~ front thighs

  • Adjust weight, seat, angle, and length of chin before you secure yourself with the top of the thigh pad support.
  • Ask an instructor to show you (if needed).
  • Sitting upright, hold onto to handles and curl your heels back and up towards your buttocks, pause…
  • Slowly return heels to the start position.
  • Repeat to the desired reps.

Adductor machine ~ inside legs:

  • Adjust weight, and leg pad support.
  • Sitting upright, hold onto to handles and push inward from the knees till they touch pause.
  • Slowly return knees to the start position.
  • Repeat to the desired reps.
  • Slowly return heels to the start position.
  • Repeat to the desired reps.

Abductor machine ~ outside legs:

  • Adjust weight, and leg pad support.
  • Sitting upright, hold onto to handles and push outwards from the knees as far as you require pause.
  • Slowly return knees to the start position.
  • Repeat to the desired reps.

Leg extension machine ~ front thighs:

  • Adjust weight, ankle, and thigh support.
  • Sitting upright, hold onto to handles and extend your legs up and outwards till they are straight (not locked), pause.
  • Slowly return heels to the start position.
  • Repeat to the desired reps.

Glute machine ~ buttocks:

  • Adjust weight, chest, and foot positions.
  • Standing upright hold onto to handles and push outwards from the heels as far as you require pause…
  • Slowly return heels to the start position.
  • Repeat to the desired reps.

If your gym does not possess any of the gym equipment shown just ask your gym assistant or personal trainer to show you something similar.

For best results follow this programme for 6 weeks:

  • 2-3 weekly (with 2 clear days rest).
  • Beginners 16-20reps, 1-2 sets.
  • Intermediate 12-15reps,1-3 sets.
  • Advance 6-8reps, 2-3 sets.

Always have a very light warm-up set, especially for the first three exercises, say 20 reps (low resistance).

Then go straight to your set rep target and work close to failure with perfect form (ALWAYS).

Remember to save 10-20 minutes for stretching each session and keep smiling and be your best.

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