Why outdoor exercising is good for you

With winter is behind us and the clock has gone forward, the days are longer and we have much more time to play; in fitness terms, this means we can pause your gym memberships to pursue interesting outdoor activities.

Outdoor Exercise

It is an obvious choice, the clear environmental advantages of the great outdoors – with its natural ray [sunshine] of essential vitamin D, increases oxygen intake, and better sensory stimulation is good for your health and wellbeing.

We are all guilty of choosing to drive to the gym to either join a packed class, or use a resistance machine under air conditioning and lighting. The notable benefits of training outdoors are:

  • Exposes us to natural, elastic, exuberant, and challenging movement(s)
  • Exercising or having physical fun outside
  • Helps strengthen your joints and ligaments and improves balance – with its uneven ground and changing wind and air resistance

Invest In Yourself

So you can start by investing on a good quality road/hill trainers and either join your local running or cycling club. Failing this – with a buddy simply step outside, jog/cycle, and enjoy the scenery of nearby parks, or fields that take your fancy. You could add hill intervals to challenge yourself and to crank up the intensity – you can also time each circuit jog/cycle and see if you can complete it quicker. Try to choose a route that has minimal traffic [people and cars] and remember to wear a helmet if cycling.

Rise of outdoor gym equipment

Recently, local parks and commons all over the country have had various pieces of outdoor gym equipment installed by The Great Outdoor Gym Company; allowing the gym bunny in you can now show off all your skills to a new audience while still enjoying what you love doing.

The best six outdoor resistance exercises

For those of you who want more structure or such outdoor equipment are yet not available in their town – the 6 exercises, you can do in the park using props a park bench and railings:

Stand shoulder width apart. Squat down till your hips are in line with your knee, then breath-out as you rise up to a stand up position. Repeat for the desire reps.

PRESS-UPS (low rail)
Stand behind a stable bench (or rail) with hands shoulder width apart. Always keep torso strong and stable as you lower chest to bench bending at the elbows. Pause as chest gently touches the rail, then press back up to the get set position. Repeat for desired reps

STEP-UPS (bench)
Stand in front of a stable bench, step up with the left leg, then the right, and lower in the same order. Repeat for desire reps, then change and start with the other leg first.
Note: Check that your knee is 90-degree knee or more as you step on for that first rep. If less than that, then the bench is too high for you and will cause you pain and discomfort.

RAIL HANGMAN (low rail)
Stand in front of a low stable railing [find a suitable one] swing under and grip the bar with an under-hand grip. Brace your torso straight and strong as you pull-up your torso towards the bar. Pause and slowly lower to the get set position. Repeat for the desired reps. Note: Keep your knees bent to assist you more.

Standing hip width apart, put one leg behind. Lower your knee to the ground and pause, then rise upward again. Keep your torso and head upright. Repeat for the desired reps, then switch and work the other leg.

Place hands [palm down] on either side of your hip. Keeping your knees bent slowly lower body to the ground, pause, and then press upward. Repeat for the desired reps.

Perform 8, 12 or 15-20 repetitions (beg/int/adv) on each exercise (or leg) depending on your level. Then after each circuit – run round the park again and repeat the whole sequence 2-5 times.


  • Drink plenty of water
  • Put on sunscreen 30mins before you step out
  • Build up your running slowly
  • Discover new routes if bored
  • Workout in the morning or late evening- less pollution
  • Enjoy it the good weather is seasonal.

Many outdoor spaces also have basketball, football, tennis, netball, skate board and climbing areas that you can utilise towards you getting fit and having fun, so ditch the TV remote and call up a friend and GET OUT THERE!

For more information on The Great Outdoor Gym Company visit: www.tgogc.com

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